Saturday, October 4, 2008

Manyrivers Collective

Kristen ManyRivers and Kem White of Manyrivers Collective joined us by telephone
Manyrivers Collective is a rainwater harvesting business in Santa Cruz County. Partner Kem White is an ecological landscape artist, accomplished herbalist and mother.

Collection, filtering, conveying water(pumping)and site specific storage are some of the hurdles they overcome at Manyrivers Collective

The solar pump mentioned is very cool.

Potters for peace

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands (Vol. 1): Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life And Landscape

Here comes the rain and I'm not ready!

24" annuel rainfall
1000 sq.ft. roof
12,600 gallons of rain water each year.
The complex that I work in is around 80,000 sq.ft.
My math may be a little off, but I came up with 720,000 gal!
That's a lot of water!!! Where am I going to put it all?

What can we do?
Shower with a friend, turn off water when soaping.
Water when it's cool outside to prevent evaporation.
Check your water system for leaks.
Support small farms that manage water well.


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