Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Saving Grace

We’ve been talking about water, a lot… and considering it coming down upon our heads in abundance this month, it’s a timely topic… most of what we’ve addressed is ways to capture it, why we need to do this,... even when it seems we have plenty. What are the local and state issues around water, but also what’s happening on a national level…. Where are we in the grand scheme of things… what’s going on in the international level? Is there enough usable water for 6.5 billion people and what about global water pollution?

Is desalination our saving grace?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Intentional Communities

Does it ever feel as though you have nothing in common with the people you live with and around? You’re concerned about the environment and everyone else is shopping til they drop. You just don’t relate to them… in fact maybe you’re even a little afraid of the people in your community. Is popular culture separating us from our most basic human cravings; belonging, understanding, non violence and security. Have you ever wanted to live in a way that you and your neighbors actually cooperated and shared living skills so you could be more open to explore your passions, to live closer to your highest ideals, and share your experiences with others?

Well, it’s possible... and many people have found a way to live this way…
It's called Cooperative Living... check it out ....www.ic.org.

What are your thoughts?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Are we doomed to Historical Repitition?

Ours is not the first civilization to face self created water crisis.... could we please learn from our past so we don't have to repeat it!!

Two articles in the Monterey Herald this morning, both of them on water…. One talks of Northern California farmers selling their water rites to Southern California and letting their fields go fallow, because they can make three times the amount of money by not growing, but selling the water.

Second, talks about the snow pack this year and how we’re getting water, but not in the form of snow…. Big deal to skiers, but bigger deal to anyone who happens to drink water in California.

The question is, how are these two stories related and what can we do about it.

Running a Presidential campaign as we all can imagine must be a very difficult and tiring job simply keeping up with a fast paced schedule and constantly being in the public eye. On top of which, if you’re not getting the press you need to express your views, views that include Peace as a resolution to war, and Action as a solution to climate change, the campaign must feel like an insurmountable task. Presidential hopeful, Congressman Dennis Kucinich from Ohio has been barred from debating with other candidates and yet, his positions on everything from Health care to corporate funding to emissions control is what America really needs right now to get our County back on track…

Check out his site: dennis4president.com to hear more about this amazing man...

I especially like his Works Green Administration idea.

"This is at the heart of his proposed Works Green Administration (WGA) which would couple a new WPA program to the EPA and NASA in restoring America's infrastructure and providing sustainable energy at the same time. No longer will the Environmental Protection Agency be known as Every Polluter's Ally."


Thursday, January 10, 2008

“Greenwashing” isn’t for your Business.

It seems the idea of being “green” is on many people’s minds these days and it’s tempting to align yourself with this image to attract customers. “Greenwashing” is a term used to describe businesses that pose as friends of the environment while still using social and environmentally destructive practices. The origins of the term come from “white washing”, as a way to cover up the truth.

While it may seem easy to use Greenwashing as a way to expand your client base, to differentiate yourself from your competitors, to attract staff, and find potential investors, I highly recommend you avoid falling into this trap. Sooner or later your actions would be revealed, and the consequences for your business would be dire. As you know, Monterey County is a small and well connected community.

These are some important tips to begin a real environmentally friendly campaign in your business.

  1. Be transparent with your efforts; ask your clients for input and report on your actions.
  2. Be specific with investors; if someone were to follow your money trail, where would it lead? ExxonMobil or the Solar Living Institute?
  3. Spend your money on green products; office supplies, building materials, carbon offsets (purchasing “credits” to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions), and investments.
  4. Avoid misleading language when talking of your products; “100% natural ingredients” can include hazardous substances…do the research so you know what you offer and then be sincere with your wording.

Remember going Green is a process, no one expects you to become completely Green overnight… begin an honest inventory of your life, your habits and your business practices to see where you can make small but significant changes. If you need help, call me.