Thursday, December 13, 2007

Business Success in 2008

According to the Lifestyle of the Healthy and Sustainable (LOHAS) Weekly Newsletter, 53 percent of the American public is concerned with global warming and the environment. "Bright Green" individuals are those who are willing and able to pay more for products and services that save energy or come from a company that is environmentally responsible. This demographic accounts for at least 12 % of the American population; translate that into Monterey County, and you're looking at 50,000 folks who would stream through your doors with their green cash in their pockets ready to do business.

For 2008 consider becoming a Green Certified Business with the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program. At no cost to you, they are willing to assist businesses operate in an environmentally friendly manner, and will recognize your efforts with a Board of Supervisors, on their website, and in their widely circulated Green Business Guide.

The initial paper work can be daunting, but sticking with the program means financial savings for your company. Your energy bill will decrease while your exciting new “green” image will grow from the knowledge that you’re doing what needs to be done to ensure a healthy and sustainable future on the Monterey Peninsula.

As with all business decisions, it is important that your green marketing makeover be done with sincerity and integrity, otherwise your customers will know you’re “Green Washing”… which we’ll talk about next month.

Happy Green and Super Successful 2008!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Being Green for the Holidays

Going Green this holiday season can be tricky if you don't know where to start.
Sustainable holidays literally translate to
  1. lowering your ecological foot print
  2. supporting social justice issues
  3. having fun.
You can enjoy the holidays, no need to be a grinch... just learn how to make best choices while shopping to step lightly on the Planet.

Use the acronym "TIPTOES".

  • T = Territory or region. Buy things in local area first, then move out from there. Look to see if the item you want is produced in your County, State and then the Nation
  • I = In season.... when buying food go for the in season produce. Buy what's at your farmers market, this lowers fossil fuels spent on transport and lowers the ole foot print.
  • P = Plastic and packaging free.... it's as easy as that.
  • T= Talent... or artist... support your tradespeople and keep the arts alive.
  • O = Organic and Outdoors. Toxin free would be a better way to think of this... keep petrochemicals off your shopping list. And anything that gets yourself or your giftee out doors is good.... the only way to protect the environment is to appreciate it.
  • E = Endowment, or charity... give gifts that support causes and organizations.
  • S= Simple, savings and self sufficient. Like the old adage, live simply so others may simply live... it applies now more then ever. Savings.... make sure you have some at the end of the holidays... stay out of debt. And self-sufficient.... gifts that move your giftee to a place of self sufficiency is doing them a huge favor.
Let me know how this works for you and write if you have any comments on the TIPTOES idea.