Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jeff Barrie joined us by phone on Friday
Jeff's Award-winning film Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America is a timely, solutions-oriented look at one of America’s most pressing environmental challenges: energy. Filmmaker Jeff Barrie offers hope as he turns the camera on himself and asks, “How can I make a difference?” In his journey Barrie explores the source of our electricity and the problems caused by energy production including mountain top removal, childhood asthma and global warming. Along the way he encounters individuals, businesses, organizations, and communities who are leading the way, using energy conservation, efficiency and renewable, green power all while saving money and the environment. This often amusing and always inspiring story shows, “You can easily make a difference and here’s how!”
More info.
Kilowatt Ours will be on public TV (KQED SF) Check your local listings.

After burning all vegetation, 250' holes are drilled, explosives are dropped in (25 tons per day), then comes huge cranes and huge trucks instead of men mining.
This is an ecological disaster, causing flooding, many health issues, rising Asama rates
The facts.
1lb. coal= 1kwHr.=1.5 lb. co2
1 KwHr.= one 100 w bulb for 10 hours

What can we do?
Change your bulbs
New energy star appliances
Turn off all chargers and power sucking appliances, power strips make this easy.
Conserve heat and cooling with insulation.
Seal up windows and doors with weather stripping
Change your mind!

Jeff is now working on a new film "Peddling for a dream" biking across America.

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