Monday, June 2, 2008

Tips from the Green Love Cast

The Love Doctor (as Spencer likes to call himself) was in today!
Several emails came in over the weekend from listeners around the Bay...

1st question asked was "How do you convince your spouse to unplug cell phones chargers and the like when not in use"... You have to look at this data and the decide...

The Union of Concerned Scientists has this to say...
Phantom energy loss, represents 5% but taken across all U.S. households, or an estimated 65 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity each year or$5.8 billion annually or 87 billion pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide.

Some of the biggest energy wasters are the adapters that come with rechargeable battery-powered cordless phones, cell phones, digital cameras and music players, power tools, and other electronic devices. Most draw power whenever they’re plugged into an outlet, regardless of whether the device battery is fully charged—or even connected.

* Unplug it—Unplugging devices when they are not being used eliminates any potential energy loss.
* Check the label—When buying an appliance or electronic device, choose the model that uses the least standby power.
* Keep it simple—Avoid buying products that include “bells and whistles” you don’t need.

I suggested kicking them in the shin if after all this info they still didn't unplug their phone... I know, too violent. So, really.. just unplug their charger and tell them to deal.

2nd question asked about earth friendly lube...
this is a great question and doing some research I found this product. It's amazing!!

See this site:
Looks like an excellent product and the ingredient list is thorough. Check out the back pocket size for immediate situations!

Also, The Ecologist has this article on KY.

Keep the questions coming...we'll get to phthalates in sex toys and go from there.. next Green Love Cast is July 14th.

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