Friday, June 6, 2008

So much cool permie info!

Benjamin Fahrer from PC Designs was in today and he's our amazing permaculture guru.
There's so much to share with you I'll just do bullet points.

* We have enough water, we just need to limit consumption
* Ask yourself, how much do you need versus how much do you want.. they're usually different answers.
* Follow the way nature works with soil... it doesn't till... it mulches and layers.
* Generally small irrigation stores have better products for drip systems, moisture sensors and timers then larger places like Home Depot... locally go to Martens Irrigation or Scotts Valley Sprinkler.
* Most plants don't like full sun, even if it says that on the tag... a bit of shade is a good thing.
* All of our buildings, residential and commercial need to harvest rainwater, use greywater, think about our watershed and use ponds to filter.
* Keyline Design is making cuts into soil to distribute water over the land in a way that slows it down,spreads it out and sinks it in... which is a major Permaculture prinicple.
* Don't use fresh water to deal with you poo... check out the Humanure Hand Book at where you can get 255 pages of crap.
It says that on the website, I swear!!
*Check out: - learn how farmers are changing climate change. - type in permaculture and go for a ride! - Art Ludwig's site for endless grey water tips - this is a cool interview with John Todd about Living Systems... turning grey and black water into usable water. - for tree graphing info - a great site from Australia on Soil building

That's it! But you can get more info from Ben if you write
Happy gardening,

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