Monday, September 22, 2008

Pat Murphy talks about peak oil

"My friends/Guys...Gals"

On Friday's show Deborah had the pleasure of interviewing Eugene R. "Pat" Murphy via telephone, it was eye opener to say the least!

Pat travels extensively , engaging people to begin the process of using our resources more effectively and reducing our dependency on fossil fuels.

Deborah and Pat discussed Cuba's dilemma when the Russians cut off almost
all of Cuba's fuel supply.

A great explanation of Cuba's crisis, and how it is a scary parallel to our current situation. "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil."is available for $20.00 plus shipping here;

The link below is not to Pat's film, but it may spark more interest in our situation.

(Less than 10 min.)

Pat has written a book, "Plan C" on this subject for you readers.
I'm sure a local book store will have it/can get it for you if not,
It can be found here for $19.95 at;
Looks like a great bit of info on the blog too.

As you can see, I'm new at this, any comments are appreciated.


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