Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wilderness Awarenss

Recently I was walking in the woods by my home, taking my dog for a walk and I noticed that the ground under some of the oaks was disturbed. My first thought was dogs playing and turning up the under brush, but I noticed this pattern under all of the trees, under places that dogs just wouldn’t be running about. I thought it might be mushroom, breaking the ground to sprout up and I even considered Pacific Grove paying an arborist to come and loosen the soil for the health of the trees… but knowing the state of PG’s finances, I knew that couldn’t be it…. Finally Spencer commented that it was most likely raccoons or possums looking for worms. And my mind expanded into knowing more fully the extent of ecosystem these woods in my neighborhood are, the real value of the area…. that at night animals are here eating and living and depending on these forests for thier survivial.
It's not just my dog park. I have a responsibility to it's health... I understand my role as a steward here, better then I had before.

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