Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Politics today

Our scheduled guest was unable to be with us today.
Instead, we have Robert Cruickshank in studio. E-mail him Robert@calitics.com
Talking about politics is not a "normal" topic for Tomorrow Matters.
Politics does play a big role in being green.
Robert is the Acting Media Director for the
Monterey County Democrats.
Monday is the first day to vote "get out the vote" Early voting Now, Monterey County Election Department, 1370 B South Main St., Salinas
We now have 1 month to vote, compared to 1 day in previous years.
Michael Moore says, ask friends and neighbors if they are registered to vote.
His movies online (slacker uprising)(election day the movie.com)
Lots more young people are registering than ever before. (20% increase?)
We seem to agree that election day should be a paid holiday!
Voter guide http://montereycountydemocrats.org/
More Info. http://www.smartvoter.org/

What can we do?
Get involved, put pressure on our elected officials.
Vote with your dollars.
Talk to your family, friends and neighbors as partners.
Shop sustainably and locally.
Community gardens, barbaques etc. to bring people together
Get involved in your community.
Phone banking?
Be a poll watcher or worker, help non-mobile persons to get to and from the polls, observe counting See ?
Defend your rights, VOTE!


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