Friday, October 10, 2008

On Thursday's show,
Kelly Rivas and Deborah talk on Prop 7
"Requires all California utilities to meet renewable energy production standards that will help put California on the path to energy independence. Utilities will be required to produce electricity from solar and clean energy resources in the following percentages: 20% by 2010, 40% by 2020, and 50% by 2025. Replace half of the fossil fuels used for electricity generation in California with clean energy technologies such as solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, and small hydro. Does not raise taxes or have any fiscal impact on the state budget. Unlike today, all utilities -- including municipally owned utilities like Los Angeles Department of Water and Power -- will be required to comply with renewable energy laws. The Solar and Clean Energy Initiative creates high tech jobs and grows California's economy. Construction and maintenance workers on clean energy plants will be paid a prevailing wage. Solar electric plants generate between 160% and 720% more jobs than a natural gas fired plant."
Some interesting sites,

Website about fast-track permitting timeline for caller Spencer:

Blog explaining opposition:

California Secretary of State Website for campaign expenditures:

Personally I just don't know yet!
I'll be Googling both sides in the weeks to come.
This issue needs more investigation.

1 comment:

Charles Bradshaw, PMP said...

I think that the supporters of the initiative have no experience with construction. They are forgetting that none of these "green jobs" will be near urban centers or where people live. Each megawatt of solar requires 5 acres of land. This can not be done in urbanized areas.

So are you talking about facilitating green jobs in the cities or in the middle of the mojave where most people can not access them. More commuting and smog.

What would be better is small scale localized solar and wind projects. These projects rely in existing infrastructure instead of messing up the desert to make new high voltage power lines.

The measure does not take the cost of solar into the picture. As Lehman brothers and other financial giants have fallen, who will finance these projects that take 5-10 years to turn a profit?

Nice idea poor implementation.

Conservation is the key not slogans and fancy dreams.