Friday, June 6, 2008

We break the record!

Today's show with Joy Colangelo had the most calls of any program in the history of Tomorrow Matters! We had 10 calls!!

Also, we had our first outward argument about bike rider versus car driver right of way and etiquette. Very juicy! Clearly Joy doesn't like car drivers and several car drivers don't like her or other bike riders.
Where is the peace?

John from Carmel gave us the best piece of advice and that was to practice the Golden Rule.. treat yours as you would have them treat you. Perfect! But what about the caller who went to report a rude biker who kicked her car and flipped her off and had her information taken, as though she was the criminal?

Two other pieces of advice came out of the show.. first, if you're going to fish off a kayak, and second, go out to the kelp and attach yourself you the kelp either by hooking it on to your boat or dripping your feet into the water, one on either side of the boat, so you don't float around too much.

Eat kelp to offset the toxins in the fish... but make sure you know what type you're eating before you do. We'll talk more about this in July.

Check out Joy's editorial here..

Happy weekend.


pgjeff said...

10 callers is a lot to juggle with no call screener!

Now about sharing the road, I ride electric scooter regularly only on back streets for my safety. I've been ticked on the elbow once, very scary. I now wear a helmut.

One sunday morning I was driving my little car around the beach near point Pinos and I came on 15-20 spandex clad bikers taking up the whole lane and laughing having a great time, so I just followed, until they started going uphill and slowed to 3 MPH, I tooted my horn and recieved the finger .
I waited until trafic was light and had to pass in the other lane, hearing comments I ignored, not willingly.
The golden rule doesen't apply if you wear spandex? in large numbers?
If they are racers, don't they ride in single file?

Deborah Lindsay said...

PG Jeff...
There are jerks everywhere in every sector of society, and there are great people too! I think more of the latter.
How do we clean the image of bike riders? How do we clean the image of Americans? How do we clean our own image? Point being... we're going to have to do better being friendly. We simply won't be able to be jerks without sacrificing our wellbeing... with or without Spandex.