Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shopping to save the world

Our guest today was Diane MacEarchern, author of the newly released book, The Big Green Purse: Use your spending power to create a cleaner, greener world".

The show was packed full of ideas, too many to list here... in fact most of them are on the Big Green Purse website... but here are some that we came up with on the show.

1. This summer see if you can catch a ride with someone going your way, or offer to take some one with you. Check out Craigslist for ridesharing opportunities, rideshare
or Ride Amigos

2. Commit challenge to be 1 in a million by intentionally shifting at least $1000 of your existing budget to environmentally-friendly products... if we do this, we can have a noticeable ONE BILLION DOLLAR IMPACT in the marketplace.

3. Check out to get and give free stuff.
Gas Buddy for lowest gas prices in your area.
And Buy Nothing Day, which is traditionally the day after Thanksgiving, but principles of such can be translated into our daily shopping.

And we had a great comment from Herb from Carmel, who recommended making your own gifts and crafting items from found supplies! Good idea! Thanks Herb!

Talk with ya tomorrow,

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