Thursday, January 24, 2008

Running a Presidential campaign as we all can imagine must be a very difficult and tiring job simply keeping up with a fast paced schedule and constantly being in the public eye. On top of which, if you’re not getting the press you need to express your views, views that include Peace as a resolution to war, and Action as a solution to climate change, the campaign must feel like an insurmountable task. Presidential hopeful, Congressman Dennis Kucinich from Ohio has been barred from debating with other candidates and yet, his positions on everything from Health care to corporate funding to emissions control is what America really needs right now to get our County back on track…

Check out his site: to hear more about this amazing man...

I especially like his Works Green Administration idea.

"This is at the heart of his proposed Works Green Administration (WGA) which would couple a new WPA program to the EPA and NASA in restoring America's infrastructure and providing sustainable energy at the same time. No longer will the Environmental Protection Agency be known as Every Polluter's Ally."


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