Yes we have had the last show for the foreseeable future on AM radio.
We've made around 471 shows, with the help of many.
Possible Sunday shows after the new year.
Billy Sunshine likes the small oriented shows best.(small homes, etc.)
This has been revolutionary talk radio.
Deb will be a PG city council member. Perhaps a crown and septor? Your Eminence.
Remember,"the wind is still free"
Special thanks go out to;
General Manager Hal Ginsberg "no holds barred programming"
Larry Wrathal Sales Manager
Carl the Engineer
Spencer Lindsay
Olana Sullivan for Assisting production as well as the Green Scene calender and help booking special guests
Carl Dobbratz for the theme song (Tomorrow Matters)
All our listeners, everywhere
All the local independent musicians.
The specialty hosts;
Joy Colango
Monterey Salinas Transports Hunter Harvath
Benjamin Fahrer
Lydia Neilson
Spencer Lindsay
Our excellent sponsors;
Monterey Salinas Transit
Monterey Green Business Program
Passion Purveyors
Pilgrims Way
Tree Of Life Ecological Services
Serendipity Farms
The greener Cleaners
Otter Bay Wetsuits
SG Zimmerman & Associates
Solar Living Institute
Chelsea Green Press
Alliance of Communities for Sustainable Fisheries
All Etronics
Eco Design Resources
Save Our Shores
Urban Permaculture Guild
Applied Solar Energy
Blue Line Power
The Green Team
Carmel Building and Design
June Zimmerman
Green Space
And thank you to our regular listeners;
And many more.
Deborah's favorite show, (made her weep)
Briceshanay Gresham (Talkin' Water) after Hurricane Katrina, she felt Ashamed of being black. But after making the film, she does not feel that anymore.
Stay in the loop, sign up for Deb's Newsletter at, or E-mail her at
I feel honored to have the opportunity to assist in Production and to help with the Blog.
Deborah has opened our eyes to the Green possibilities. Now it's our turn, "Tag your it"
Thank You Deb,