First, today is
earth overshoot day.....(Tuesday)
Now, on with the show
Douglas Atkins, Ed.M., joined us in the studio.
He is the Executive Director of Chartwell School in Seaside, Cal.
LEED platinum rated, Green Building Rating System™ (57 points out of a 69 points max) Very few school in Ca. attain such a lofty goal
Chartwell School's 25 years in the making, in their new location for 2 years
google map (check out terrain map)
Sunlight, indoor air quality control and comforts are a big part keeping students attention, a comfortable place to be, A wise investment in education
Gardens, culinary arts, science, composting with sustainability are taught, absentee rates seem to be down.
solar system is expected to produce more than 53 million Watt-hours of electricity per year and will offset the production of 54,000 pounds of CO2 annually, the same as planting 8 acres of trees."
Call for tours
Outreach program is available for your community and your kids
The Collaborative for High Performance Schools________________________________________________
On our second half hour, David Cross founder of
SG blocks joined us by phone.
There are 45 million containers in use or storage in the US alone.
Each container makes 24-30 trips before they are recycled (bottles and cans wish)
Each container can be loaded or unloaded from a ship every 90 seconds.
Shipping containers get left behind due to our shipping heavy goods and receiving light goods.
As you can imagine, relying on containers as building materials, the closer to shippers the better, less shipping!!
Homes are built 20-40% faster than traditional homes, that means big savings.
There are some other perks. (natural disaster resistant)
At this point in time, 4 stories is the extent of height testing, soon to be 9 stories.
Check out the
Harbinger house at West Coast Green(SJ) ,
Made of 5 shipping containers, It will be touring the states, yes, it gets built and rebuilt many times.
In case you need to move, finished home can be packed up and moved very quickly, instead of just tearing it down.
Some specifics, I am impressed!!!!
320 square feet every 15 Min.Value-Cycling™.Hurricane resistantThis looks, to me, like Lego's on steroids